Monday, January 7, 2013

Within, Without

I haven't got a whole lot to say, but I just wanted to say Happy New Year to all and I'd like to hear your guys' New Year resolution(s) and share my own.

Well, first of all, I'm going to start posting a lot more on here since I feel like I've got a lot to share.
In general I'm going to work harder at making my dreams come true and always keeping my head up high on my way to reaching my goals.
I'd really like to have a new job and a new home before 2014 rolls around.
I want to learn more about the universe, myself and how I connect to everything; become one with my surroundings.

Aaand I would like to solidify plans on starting school. So there ya go. Tell me yours.

Now here are some photos from what I wore today:

Been wearing these two necklaces non-stop for the past couple of months honestly. A star and the "Om" symbol.


All jewelry thrifted 

everything thrifted except Doc Marten boots which were a gift and were DIYed since they once went all the way up to my knees.

Well, tootles! 

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