Thursday, December 1, 2011


So, I feel like suddenly have a new found motivation to really kick-start many projects that I've been meaning to really work on. Over the summer I had ankle surgery and it kind of put me in a rut and I've lost a bit of my focus. But now, NO MORE EXCUSES. I'm not on crutches and in a cast anymore. I'm getting my head in the game. So expect more posting, more art, more clothing created by me.

What I wore today:

Shirt - thrifted Gap thermal
Button-down - thrifted burgundy button-down shirt
Skirt - black & grey vertically striped mini skirt (gift)
Hoisery - light grey Old Navy tights
black knit Target thigh highs
Shoes (not shown) - grey black oxford flats
(all jewelry thrifted)

Monday, November 21, 2011


 Cleaning all day and then laying on the couch with a heated comforter, watching The Simpsons actually can turn out to create a pretty good day. I was productive yay!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Halloween! continued

Moustache me. har har har.

Tha bitchez

Overdue Halloween Post

This post is a bit overdue but a Halloween post is necessary. I hope your Halloween was as fun and/or spooky as mine was! I celebrated for 4 days straight because who doesn't love to dress up as someone else for a day. My weekend was full of Halloween themed dance parties, dressing up, seeing loads of my friends and partying. The first night of Halloween weekend I was Penny Lane from Almost Famous and the next day I was Lady Gaga as a mockery of the fact that I always get called Lady Gaga. Now, enough text, more pictures. Enjoy!

I was Penny Lane from Almost Famous the first night of Halloween weekend.

My friend Carli was a troll at the costume dance party. How originally.
70's chicks

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Lady Gaga and Kat Von D the second night of Halloween weekend. I had to mock the fact that I get called Lady Gaga all the time.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I sort of re-peirced my lip today.. after 7 months. Ouch. 

School Resumes

Winter Break is over and school has resumed. It’s sad, but I’ll get over it. Two more weeks, finals and then the last semester of my high school career ever. It’s unbelievable. I’m excited to start a new life. It’ll feel like a new beginning once I’m out of high school. 

I’m going to really make the effort of updating this blog and sticking to it. I really need something I can keep as a sort of journal; an account of my journey from now until.. whenever!
I hope this blog will serve as something to sort of help me out when I feel anxious or stressed or even happy. It’ll mostly be fashion related and everyday life posts. 